The sun could be cruel without intent, or at least that is what Avarice wanted to believe. It was no fun remaining confined within her room for the entirety of the day as it had been a little too warm. It showed in her cheeks and the reddening stains on her shoulders as the skies would finally begin to darken and gently nudge the vibrant star away so that the moon could claim the hour. “Wait here, if you will, Avvie.” came Ira-Gula’s thick drawl and offering her a place to sit upon a nearby bench. “Jus’ gon’ run in here to see if we can’t get you a salve.” Her cherry blossom pink gaze would lift to the older man, the guardian who had left for the draft.
Her relief was hardly noticeable though in her own way present. He looked tired, worn and agitated if anything upon his return though such emotions were quickly diminished once she welcomed him. Complying, she carefully took a seat upon the wooden bench though not without the evident discomfort that winced upon her freckled features. She’d been out too long throughout the day and had accidentally left her parasol back home. It was also too hot for Envy to accompany her in the streets. She watched as the elder entered the shop with wary observation as she was unable to keep herself from biting the inside of her cheek.
“He’s to leave again soon,” she murmured under her breath in idle distraction. She’d only just received a letter from her mother assuring all was well despite the script appearing rather hurried. Quietly, she sat, however, leisurely kicking her legs into nothing.