Layers of dust, thin and frail, blanketed the space where he'd once kept his things. Now a missing haunt, a man whose aloof frown and downward brow nearly seemed to be a wild fevers dream. Were it not for the warm metal pressed between her breast, Ethel may have believed it was some illusion crafted by a twisted reverie. A manifestation stirred by a wearily stressed mind - one such that could not contain its collective thoughts. Each musing goading abandonment - each whisper a reminder that her wish was fulfilled. She'd wanted her freedom at the altar, hadn't she? His presence was gone so that she could satisfy the heathen ache thrumming through her breast.
Isolation ill-suited her. Days on end she'd entertain at Beauté la danse. A place of friendly, familiar faces and enchanting stories, each a necessity to bide the crawling time until she'd muster the courage to return to the cottage. Would he be there waiting this time? Tucked away in the woods far from peering eyes, hidden by vines of ivy and branches of evergreens, a welcome sight she took in now upon this eve of her inevitable return. The week had been laborious and exhausting, and she was ready to relax with a romantic book and a bottle of wine. Why was it that her heart raced so violently as she withdrew the key that would unlock the great oak egress and grant her entry? The lock clicked. The hinged whispered a greeting when she pushed the door open and stepped inside the darkness. Her stomach sunk and despite the humid spring sun, her body flushed with a sudden chill. Was this what disappointment felt like? It was almost morose the way Ethel disrobed, shirking her slippers by the door and loosing the strings of her gown that'd been all too confining. She'd reach into the bag that had hung upon her shoulder and withdrew the bottle and the book, both of which she'd warm with hands and lips - respectfully - while nestled on the couch. ‘All that we see or seem’, ‘Is but a dream within a dream. |